Today's Reading

"What happened to your bear-leader?" Matt asked.

"He wanted to explore Europe for a while longer," Charlie said, accepting a cup of tea. "Since I was with family members, we agreed to part ways."

"I am glad everything worked out so well." Eleanor said. "Albeit, knowing Augusta, that does not surprise me at all."

"Oh, no. I cannot take credit." Augusta cut a piece of toast in half. "Cousin Prudence and Mr. Boman, Phinn's secretary, usually make the arrangements."

"They married not long after we did. They'll be visiting their families for a month or so," Phinn added.

Charlie took a slice of rare beef from a platter. "Speaking of secretaries, I must find one. I must also take my seat in the Lords."

"Well, then." Matt nodded. "I am happy to help you with both tasks."

Augusta glanced at Eleanor, Madeline, and Alice. "I suppose your first event is Lady Bellamny's soirée for young ladies."

"Almost," Eleanor said. "Lady Exeter's sister-in-law, Penelope, is coming out as well. We have been invited to tea with her and two of her friends."

"I would like to accompany you." Augusta's eyes smiled. "I would love to see Dorie Exeter again. We have written to each other over the years, and she knows I'll be here soon."

"Or now," Madeline commented.

Alice exchanged a glance at her twin. And they couldn't stop from laughing. Charlotte and Louisa were silently laughing as well.

"Yes, now." Augusta grinned. "While we have you all here, Phinn and I have an announcement. We are expecting a baby in September."

"That is wonderful news," Grace exclaimed. 

"More cousins!" Elizabeth said.

As everyone congratulated their sister and brother-in-law. Alice caught Eleanor's and Madeline's eyes. If they married this Season, by this time next year they could be mothers. The only question was who would they wed?

* * *

Giff and Montagu arrived at the Park as three young ladies on varying colors of Cleveland Bay mares were departing. "We need to discover a way to meet them."

"If they're making their come outs, we will not be able to avoid it." Montagu commented.

That was true. The question was at what level of Polite Society did they reside. Although, by the style of their riding habits and the quality of their horses, Giff surmised they were, like him, in the haut ton. If so, there would be no question of eligibility. "I need a lady who will be acceptable to my father." Giff couldn't help scowling. His father's idiosyncrasies made his hunt more difficult. "Excellent bloodlines are important." Yet, that wouldn't be hard. "She must also be intelligent and not afraid to stand up to him." Those weren't qualities thick on the ground. In fact, he knew he'd have trouble finding a lady who would show her true self during the Season. "He detests cowards."

"I'm surprised he did not make a match for you." His friend had obviously not thought the matter through.

"Wouldn't have worked." Even if Giff's father had tried it, his mother would have been against it. "Any lady who would do what her father or mother said wouldn't have enough strength of character to be a daughter of his."

"I don't envy you your search," Montagu said.

Neither did Giff. "I'll find her. And when I do, I'll do everything in my power to make sure she marries me."

His friend raised his brows. "I daresay it will not be that hard for either of us. We're titled, not bad looking, and wealthy."

"Speak for yourself," Giff grumbled. "Until I wed, I have only what my father gives me. I just hope I meet someone who doesn't care about a love match. Messy things, those."

"I agree." Montagu practically shuddered. "My sister didn't care to have one, but they seem to get on well enough." They rode in silence for a minute or two, until he said. "Did you say your parents were in Town?"

"They arrive tomorrow." That reminded Giff that his time would no longer be his own. "Your mother and sister?"

"Got here yesterday. M'sister's at her town house, but Mamma is staying with me."

This excerpt ends on page 14 of the paperback edition.

Monday we begin the book The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey.  

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