Today's Reading

After the servant left, he wandered into his bed chamber. His evening kit was already laid out. As was his custom, he would dine at home his first evening back. Aside from that, he needed to develop a strategy to find a wife. In addition to depending on his mother, that was. In the past he'd ridden his horse during the Grand Strut. But now he should consider taking his curricle. He glanced at the ormolu mantel clock. It was just after five o'clock. He had time to visit the stables before changing for dinner. And it was better to do it now than after he'd bathed.

Muffled noises from the dressing room informed him his valet was there. "Gunn, I'm going to the stables. I'll be back within the hour."

"Very well, my lord. I'll have yer bath ready."

Giff grinned. All the household servants in London and most of them at Cleveland Castle might be English, but his mother had insisted his personal servants be good, reliable Scotsmen from the various parts of her family. Another battle his father had lost.

An hour later, after having been rebuffed by the stablemaster, who insisted on having Giff's carriage sent around, he was dressed for an early dinner. He'd been pleased that his curricle had been newly painted, and the cushions had been replaced. He didn't even have to ask whose idea that was. Mamma was going to do her best to see him wed this Season.

* * *

The next morning, after having received confirmation of his invitation to Montagu, Giff rode to Montagu House and found his friend on the pavement next to his horse. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you." Montagu grinned. "Thank you for your note. It's been so many years since I've been to Town, I wasn't sure how to begin."

Giff studied his friend. "Wife hunting?" 

"Exactly." Montagu grimaced.

"As am I. Perhaps we can help each other." Although Giff really didn't think he'd need much help convincing the lady he chose to marry him. He was, as his father had said, the heir to a dukedom, not bad looking, and had been told he made love charmingly.

Montagu mounted and gave Giff a dubious look. "How, if you've never searched for a wife before?"

"Ah." He turned Horace, his horse, toward the Park. "This might be the first time I'm willing to be leg shackled, but it's not my first time enticing a female. Surely a young lady will be much the same. I imagine it will be even easier than with a more experienced women. Not only that, but how many Mammas would want their daughter to reject the heir to a dukedom?"

"I suppose you're right." Montagu rode next to Giff. "Young ladies are disposed to do what their families wish."

At least English ladies were. His mother and older sisters hadn't had that attitude. But that was the Scot's side coming out. In a way, it was a pity. He'd like a lady more like his mother. Come to think of it, the lady he chose would have to show a strong strength of will in order to please his father. "We shall see."

* * *

Lady Alice Carpenter stared at the list she and her sisters had made.



Like house animals 

Like children

Make us laugh, and think we are funny

Interested in the plight of the poor and unfortunate 

Must support us in our charities and other ventures

Passable looking 

Allow us to be ourselves Be able to support a family

Must love us in return

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